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Research Highlights Science News

Migrating microbes

By on 31. March 2019

Oral bacteria travel to the gut – and stay?
We share our body with trillions of microbes that contribute to our well-being. They live and prosper in different niches in our body and scientists mostly believe that these niches are separated and exclusive communities. In the scientific journal eLIFE, scientists…


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Science News

Who said searching for literature is dull?

By on 30. January 2018

While doing yet another Pubmed search I just stumbled upon an unbelievably cool and inspiring article – on…prepare yourself…”Ten simple rules for drawing scientific comics” (PLOS Computational Biology)! A paper that you will definitely be able to read all the way through without yawning or thinking about making another…


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Science News

Pushing the suicide button – how we protect ourselves from fungal infection

By on 18. November 2017

The spores of fungi surround us everywhere and we inhale thousands if not more of them every day. Among them – notorious Aspergillus fumigatus, one of the most common causal agents of hospital acquired infections with a mortality rate of up to 40-90%. But how do healthy people resist…


I am a passionate microbiologist driven by curiosity and fascination for the wonders of the mostly invisible world of tiny creatures. Please join me in my explorations into this world in a nutshell and discover it's amazing facettes!

Nicely said

"Seit die Mathematiker über die Relativitätstheorie hergefallen sind, versteh' ich sie selbst nicht mehr."
(Since mathematicians pitched into the theory of relativity, even I don't really get it any more), Albert Einstein

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